Data Science and Robots by Brandon Rohrer
資料科學・機器・人是 Data Science and Robots 的中文站。英文原站由資料科學家 Brandon Rohrer 撰寫,中文網站由 Jimmy Lin 發起翻譯,並由許多朋友們協助校稿和推廣。
身為一名資深的資料科學家,Brandon 在 Data Science and Robots 上分享了很多寶貴的知識和經驗。他的文章涵蓋了資料科學的方方面面,既不艱深,也不拘泥於細節,適合初學者了解資料科學,也適合有經驗的人反思研究或職業方向。所以當我讀完部落格上所有的文章和影片後,我就寫信向 Brandon 詢問是否可以翻譯這些內容,為中文資料科學社群貢獻一點心力。Brandon 很爽快地答應了,並慷慨地提供我許多協助。在一週之內,包含三篇文章的資料科學・機器・人上線了。
從那之後,我持續透過翻譯學習資料科學,也希望能像 Brandon 一樣,帶給讀者準確和寶貴的知識。不過還請各位多多包涵我的業餘翻譯水準。有任何指教,歡迎在文章底下的 Disqus 裡回覆、在段落間插入註解、或直接在 GitBook 上給我發 pull request。
Jimmy,於 2017 年 5 月 25 日
About This Site
資料科學・機器・人 is a Mandarin site of Data Science and Robots. The original blog was written by Brandon Rohrer, and the translation project was started by Jimmy Lin and maintained by many friends and readers.
As an experienced data scientist, Brandon has shared numerous amazing thoughts and experience in his blog, which are very helpful for both rookies and veterans. After reading every material on it, I asked Brandon whether I was allowed to translate the articles as a contribution to the data science community. In a day, Brandon replied "of course" and offered me a great amount of help, and in a week, 資料科學・機器・人 went online with three posts.
From then on I learned a lot through translating and sought to pass on the content to more Mandarin readers. But please bear with the translation quality, as I am more a passionate rookie data scientist (from Cal Poly!) than a full-time translator. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to reply through Disqus, annotate on GitBook or send me a pull request.
May 25, 2017
About The Site Name
資料科學・機器・人 literally means "Data Science. Machine. Human", in which 機器 and 人 combined mean "Robots". In Mandarin, "Robots" is often translated as 機器人, but the meaning of it sometimes limits to humanoid, as the verbatim translation "machine human" suggests.
But we all know the purpose of Data Science is more than making 機器人. And from my experience, I believe that Data Science involves not only the coolest technologies, but also the philosophy of reasoning and design.
So I did a little trick, splitting "Robots" into "Machine" and "Human", and allowed the site name to convery a broader message. 資料科學・機器・人, "Data Science. Machine. Human".
- 翻譯流程:保留絕大部分的原意和細節、根據中文習慣修改敘述。基於我有限的語言能力,在精準和通順之間我會選擇前者,所以這些文章的通順程度也有賴讀者們協助改善。
- 翻譯內容順序:(相關文章、)部落格文章、影片字幕、外部文章。翻譯完一篇文章後,我會先翻譯 Brandon 在那篇文章中提到的相關文章。由於上字幕比較花時間,我打算先翻譯 Brandon 部落格上的文章,再翻譯影片字幕。由於我不確定外部文章的授權狀態(部落格文章都是 CC0),這些未經確認的文章的優先權比較低。
- 專有名詞參考順序:雙語詞彙、學術名詞辭典、維基百科條目、大學教材⋯⋯等。在文章中我盡量使用中文,不過考慮到有些新技術的中文名稱未有定論,我也會在中文專有名詞旁(標記英文原文)。